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Box of World War I Books
Paris at the End of the War: The City of Light During The Great War 1914-1918
Over There: The United States in the Great War 1917-1918
To Win a War: 1918 The Year of Victory
Boy Soldiers of the Great War
World War One: Life in th Trenches
Naval Warfare 1914-1918
Verdun: The Lost History of the Most Important Battle of World War I 1914-1918
Duffy's War: Fr. Francis Duffy, Wild Bill Donovan, and the Irish Fighitng 69th in World War I
The Harding Affair: Love and Espionage During the Great War
Four Years on the Western Front: November 1914-November 1918
The Guns of August: The Drama of August 1914, A month of battle in which was waged on a scale unsurpassed and whose results determined the shape of the world in which we live today
Cataclysm: The first world war as political tragedy
The Pity of War: Explaining World War 1
As per consignor