(269) 903-2590
NEW Kingdom Quoor Board Game
An all-American German game
From the back of the box:
Amass your Royal Warriors and rally your camp. You have been granted the honor of defending Kingdom Quoor from the vile dragon scourge and rescuing her fair maidens.
Seek the sometimes costly aid of the citizens enlist the unique talents of the friar, the assassin, the wizard, the temptress, and more.
Bid for Control and plot your every move, help your cause or hinder your opponents.
The man decisions are yours.
Temper your forces before entering a lair, Slay the beasts and collect your rewards.
Tactful competition or purposeful sabotage. Race against your vile opponents to prevail.
Experience the menace and marvel of Kingdom Quoor
For 2 to 5 players, ages 10 and up
New and sealed
all per consignor