(866) 260-1611
(1995) Hendrickson Fire Truck
Make: Hendrickson
Model: N/A
VIN: 44KFT428XSWZ17940
Mileage: 91,857
Year: 1995
Engine: Cummins
Engine Hours: 9,829
GVWR: 40,540
Pump: 1502 Gallons at 150 Pounds 1527 RPM - 750 Gallons at 250 Pounds 1727 RPM
Condition: Runs and Drives - Good/Fair physical condition - some rust
*Inspection is in Muskegon, MI on Wednesday November 2nd - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (Please contact Derek at [email protected])
*Pick up is in Muskegon, MI Friday November 4th, Monday November 7th, and Tuesday November 8th - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY