(269) 903-2590
Ancient Tibetan Buddhist Temple Architectural Artifact
Hundreds & Hundreds of Years and Thousands & Thousands of Mystically Contemplative Prayers & Deep Meditations Imbue this Beautifully Colored, Cerulean Blue, 30 Pound Plus, Four Foot Tall, 10 Inches Round (Square), Impressively Decorative, Antique, Architectural Temple Beam Fragment from a Real Life High Himalayan Mountain Top ANCIENT Tibetan Buddhist Monastery (Tibet is where the Dali Lama traditionally reins over his Culturally Significant Empire in the high altitudes of the Himalayan Mountains on the border of China). This is NOT a tourist trinket and are VERY RARE & VERY Hard to Come By (it’s currently illegal to export Artifacts of this nature outside the area). This would make an amazing addition to any home, office, workplace or garden. In looking at this item you can just inexplicably SENSE that it was in the presence of Tibetan Buddhist Holy Men for Eons and imbibed with their Mystically Religious & Holy Meditations (it gives off powerfully GOOD VIBRATIONS). Bring a piece of genuine and Ancient Far Eastern Buddhist Culture and Religion to your home without having to leave the house by bidding on and buying this IMPRESSIVE, One-of-a-Kind Holy Reliquary.
As per consignor