(269) 903-2590
Whole MultiColored Agate (RARE, Both Halves of Geode)
Entire Agate, (RARE with comes) both Halves of a Large, Beautifully Swirled Blue, Amber, Coral, Gray, Opal Ringed Agate with Interestingly Unusual and Abundant Calcite Inclusions & Crystallization throughout the ENTIRE Naturally Caverned Spacious Inner Core. Over TWO POUNDS, 4 Inches in Diameter. NEWLY Mined, Perfectly Hand Polished on Both Sides of the Slice, Museum Quality, MultiColored Swirls & Striations, this Brazilian Crystal Quartz AGATE still has its Natural Rough Hewn “Rock Faced” Exterior which makes for an Amazing Contrast to the Elegant Highly Polished Smooth Inner “Faces”. This Gemstone Quality Agate was Discovered in South America and is a AMAZING Anytime Gift Idea! Hand Cut Pure Crystal Quartz Agate, Highly Polished with an Ever Altering Appearance due to the Light Refractive Properties of the Quartz Crystal Clusters. Highest Purity & Elegance… Beautiful Fossilized Rare Earth Mineral from South of the Equator… Mined… Discovered…Excavated…Cut…Polished…Shipped 8526 KM via Cargo Ship… Own a NEW… God Made Piece of Stunning Modern and Ancient History...Natural Rare Earth Museum Quality Crystal Quartz Agate Prehistoric Fossilized Specimen from Brazil South America. Retail Gallery Price $1088. This Crystal Quartz Brazilian Agate is Stunning, Eye Catching and Amazing... It Beautifully Lights Up any Room, Desk, Table, Office, Home, Hotel, Museum or School etc. Bid & Buy something you’ll have and Cherish ForEver.
As per consignor